Lester Hovey

Obituary of Lester Eugene Hovey

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On January 1, 2025, Lester Eugene Hovey, or "Dad" as he’s lovingly called by family, was called home and reunited with his incredible wife Janet, and beautiful daughter Sandy, in heaven. 

Eugene Hovey was 91 years young, born on May 16, 1933, at home in La Porte, Texas, above the hardware store his parents proudly owned and operated. Eugene was one of six children born to Clara and J.W. Hovey. His siblings, Julian, Wesley, Wayne, and Royce Hovey, as well as sister Gladys Ford, preceded him in death, as did his beloved wife of 57 years, Janet Meiners Hovey, daughter Sandy Westergren, and brother in-law, Lonnie Meiners.

Eugene was an extraordinary man. From his childhood on the baseball fields and on to college; while serving his country in the Army, and as an adult, he was a man of great ethics. He prioritized his faith in God, lavished love on his wife & family, and pursued his passion of being a Certified Public Accountant with unwavering dedication. He was the epitome of perseverance and strength; inspiring countless lives in the community through his work as a CPA and as a life-time member & elder in the La Porte Community Church. Eugene approached all things in life with faith and joy. He chose happiness, optimism, and humor to combat anger and fear. He will be greatly missed but remembered with the highest regard and never-ending love.

Eugene is survived by his daughter, Sheryl Homick & husband Jerry, son Richard Hovey & wife Linda, six grandchildren: Sheralyn Irwin & husband Chris, Spencer Chilson & wife Morgan, Krystle Hammers & husband Edward, Eric Westergren & wife Brittany, Ryan Hovey & wife Larissa, and Kyle Hovey. Eugene was also blessed to know and lavish love on his seven great-grandchildren: Christian & Savannah Irwin, Addison, Rya, & Archer Hammers, and Ava & Ben Westergren. He is also survived by sisters in-law Jean Ponder Cervantes & husband George, Patti Meiners, Betty Hovey, and Virginia Hovey, as well as myriad extended family and friends that count themselves blessed to have been a part of Eugene’s story.

A viewing will be held at Clayton Funeral Home on Thursday, January 9, 2025, from 6-8pm. Funeral services will follow on Friday, January 10, 2025, at La Porte Community Church at 1:00pm, followed by a graveside service at Grandview Memorial Park/Bethany Cemetery. All are invited to a reception at La Porte Community Church following the graveside service.



6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Clayton Funeral Home La Porte
201 South 3rd Street
La Porte, Texas, United States

Funeral Service

1:00 pm
Friday, January 10, 2025
La Porte Community Church
202 South 1st Street
La Porte, Texas, United States
Online Memory & Photo Sharing Event
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Lester Hovey

In Loving Memory

Lester Hovey

1933 - 2025

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